I keep a folder called Hunters in my bookmarks. It's basicly the armory pages of fellow hunters I come across. It's kind of like Facebook; I like to see what they're up to, and of course compare them to Lae.
When checking out characters on armory, it's important to keep in mind that the talent points, glyphs and gear they use might serve a special purpose and is not necessarily the best PVE/PVP setup. They may be working on a special raid boss, soloing or experimenting in some way.
Updated 20 Oct 2012
Blood Elf Undead
Azgalor Rexxar US
15/17 pets are called "Kitteh". xD
[Dills' Primal Leggings]
Asleep at the WoW
Earthen Ring US
Sargeras US
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
When checking out characters on armory, it's important to keep in mind that the talent points, glyphs and gear they use might serve a special purpose and is not necessarily the best PVE/PVP setup. They may be working on a special raid boss, soloing or experimenting in some way.
Updated 20 Oct 2012
Asharhi: Michele Morrow's female undead hunter |
Thorium Brotherhood US
Blog: Hello Giggles
Attended Hunting Party Podcast Episode 57, 69, 73, 100, 110 and attended Twisted Nether Blogcast Episode 157: Morrow Ribs
This hunter is especially good at feigning death and other abilities that requires acting. ;) The person behind the character is Michele Morrow, scream queen and "last girl".
I like when public people that claim they play WoW can back it up like Michele can, having cleared Firelands, doing rated BG's and being the Guild Master of her guild. :)
She has a campaign going to become Sylvanas Windrunner in the upcoming Warcraft-movie, check out her Facebook-page.
8-FEB-2012: Asharhi the blood elf died... Got resurrected by valkyrs, and has now joined Sylvanas' undead forces! Read more at Michele's various webpages. :)
Earthen Ring US
Aspect of the Dork
Brain Needed Space
Attended Hunting Party Podcast Episode 34, 41, 80, 100 and attended Twisted Nether Blogcast Episode 26: Is That a Tiger in Your Pocket?
Vek'nilash US
Blood Elf
Bloodarrow's Hunter Blog
Chetalaa (Bytail)
Bloodhoof US
Bytail's World
I like when public people that claim they play WoW can back it up like Michele can, having cleared Firelands, doing rated BG's and being the Guild Master of her guild. :)
She has a campaign going to become Sylvanas Windrunner in the upcoming Warcraft-movie, check out her Facebook-page.
8-FEB-2012: Asharhi the blood elf died... Got resurrected by valkyrs, and has now joined Sylvanas' undead forces! Read more at Michele's various webpages. :)
Bauxite: male orc hunter from Aspect of the Dork |
Earthen Ring US
Aspect of the Dork
Attended Hunting Party Podcast Episode 34, 41, 80, 100 and attended Twisted Nether Blogcast Episode 26: Is That a Tiger in Your Pocket?
[BRK-1000] "Smells faintly of raspberries."
Bloodarrow: female blood elf hunter from Bloodarrow's Hunter Blog |
Blood Elf
Bloodarrow's Hunter Blog
Chetalaa (Bytail)
Chetalaa: female tauren hunter from Bytail's World |
Bloodhoof US
Bytail's World
Dakona: female blood elf hunter from Dakona: "The Huntress" |
Scilla US
Blood Elf
Darkbrew: male dwarf hunter from Hunting Party Podcast and The Brew Hall |
Drenden US
Darklumiya: male worgen hunter from YouTube |
Kel'Thuzad US
Dhevon: female draenei hunter from I’m A Gamer First |
Dills: male orc hunter from The Instance |
Earthen Ring US
15/17 pets are called "Kitteh". xD
Proudmoore US
Durendil: male dwarf hunter from Durendil: Hunter Soloing |
Hyjal EU
Euripides (Basil Berntsen)
Euripides: male worgen hunter from Hunting Party Podcast and OutDPS.com |
Fimlys: night elf male hunter from Asleep at the WoW |
Draenor US
Night Elf
Frikky (
Frikky: undead male hunter from Drunkard's Regalia |
Earthen Ring US
GM of the guild Rollin with Bob Saget.
Drunkard's Regalia
Kul Tiras US
Night Elf
Dreamy made this picture of Lae |
Frostheim: male dwarf hunter from Hunting Party Podcast and Warcraft Hunters Union |
[Recovered Cloak of Frostheim] "This gunpowder stained cloak belonged to an uncommonly good-looking hunter."
Garwulf: male night elf hunter from Huntsman's Lodge |
Kul Tiras US
Night Elf
GM of the guild Clan Destined.
Gavendo: male worgen hunter from Rapid Fire |
The Venture Co EU
Gerp: male orc hunter from The Instance |
Earthen Ring US
Guntitan: male dwarf hunter from Drunken Dwarf |
Sargeras US
Japsky (Japskidin)
Japsky: female troll hunter from YouTube |
Ravencrest EU
Jcsway: male draenei hunter from LOL Survival |
Zangarmarsh US
Jiae: female draenei hunter from Jiae and Saytre's World of Transmogs |
Norgannon US
Jiae and Saytre's World of Transmogs
Johnnyfeisty: male blood elf hunter from Johnny Feisty, The Hunting Hunter |
Earthen Ring US
Blood Elf
Makes short segments that are featured on The Instance
Darkmoon Faire
Blood Elf
Juuniper: female blood elf hunter from Juneper's Hunt |
Kalliope: female human hunter from Kalliope's Pet Blog |
Dethecus US
Kalliope's Pet Blog
Kalven: male dwarf hunter from Kal's Corner |
Durotan US
Kheldul: male dwarf hunter from Hunter DPS Dungeoneer |
Uther US
Kialesse: female night elf hunter from The Sisterhood of Kia |
Night Elf
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Attended Hunting Party Podcast Episode 64
Kripparian won the Ironman Challenge 28-feb-2012 on his alt Kripparian; leveling to 85 without gear over common quality, without dying, without talent points etc etc. Link to video.
Laeleiweyn Lae#2728
Aerie Peak EU
Laeleiweyn Lae#2728
Laeleiweyn: female draenei hunter from World of Lae |
Aerie Peak EU
Unknown Server US
Mania used to have a fullgrown orc hunter on an US-server, but I can't find it!
Manias Arcania
Attended Twisted Nether Blogcast Episode 15: Pet Mania!
Attended Hunting Party Podcast Episode 54
Morynne Morynne#1680
Morynne: female worgen hunter from Marks-365 |
Ner'zhul US
Attended Hunting Party Podcast Episode 62
Mushan: male night elf hunter from Mushan, Etc. |
Dalaran US
Night Elf
Neilaren (Coxyko) Coxy#1419
Neilaren: female blood elf hunter from YouTube |
Shu'halo US
Blood Elf
Niqora (Faeldray)
Niqora: female tauren hunter from Petoholics Anonymous |
Wyrmrest Accord US
GM of the guild Earth and Bone.
Petoholics Anonymous
Pathemeous: male dwarf hunter from Path of the Hunter |
The Sha'tar EU
GM of the guild Adapt or Die
Auchindoun Frostmane EU
More then half of his pets are called BAZINGA.
Onymas: female human hunter |
More then half of his pets are called BAZINGA.
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Attended Hunting Party Podcast Episode 74
Peregrina (Pradzha)
Peregrina: female worgen hunter from Piercing Shots |
Thorium Brotherhood US
Pherian (The Godmother)
Pherian: female dwarf hunter from ALT:ernative |
Shadowsong EU
GM of the guild Cotton Candy
Phyllixia: female night elf hunter from Hunters Rhok |
Proudmoore US
Night Elf
Quelys (Quel)
Quelys: male troll hunter from Quel's Hunting Corner |
Dath'Remar US
Surviving WoW with Quori
Sesamee: blood elf hunter from Shooting Azeroth |
Crushridge US
Blood Elf
Sheppo: male goblin hunter from YouTube |
Draenor EU
Solarflair: male tauren hunter from Convert to Raid |
Earthen Ring US
Convert to Raid
Twitch TV stream
WoW Hunters HallTwitch TV stream
Spirál (Spiralphoenix)
GM of the guild Convicted.
Spirál: male worgen hunter from YouTube |
Stormreaver US
Steevnash: male human hunter from YouTube |
Dark Iron US
Night Elf
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Vandpistol (Caribald)
Vandpistol: female goblin hunter from YouTube |
Tarren Mill EU
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Twitch TV stream
MMO Champion: World First Algalon solo
Vephriel's Pet Journal
Wildlark: female night elf hunter from Spirit Bond |
Feathermoon US
Night Elf
Wintersgrace: female draenei hunter from YouTube |
Shattered Hand US
Zanbon: female draenei hunter from Aspect of the Murloc |
Ner'zhul US
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Aspect of the Murloc
Stormrage US
Zeherah: female dwarf hunter from femaledwarf.com |
Stormrage US
Zeherah's Hunter DPS Analyzer (femaledwarf.com)
[Zeherah's Dragonskull Crown] Zeherah is the hunter queen.
[Zeherah's Dragonskull Crown] Zeherah is the hunter queen.
Outland EU
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Friends, Guild and Realm
Honeytrap: female orc hunter |
Bloodfeather EU
Jakester: male night elf hunter from Release and Run |
Aerie Peak EU
Night Elf
Has a monkey called Laeleiweyn... Thanks a lot. :p
Jrtje: female night elf hunter from Solace on Aerie Peak |
Aerie Peak EU
Night Elf
Simelda: female dwarf hunter from Release and Run |
Aerie Peak EU
Draenei Hunters
Chrysie: female draenei hunter |
Kazzak EU
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Dhizsu: female draenei hunter |
Khadgar US
Featured in Hunter Transmog Gallery in WoW Hunters Hall.
This was the number 1 geared hunter in the world in november 2011 (managed by equipping heroic Ragnaros shammy healing helm with expertise gem, made me lol xD).
Iltiss: female draenei hunter from YouTube |
Kirin Tor EU
Kibú: female orc hunter |
Kimber: female draenei hunter |
Echo Isles US
Featured in Hunter Transmog Gallery in WoW Hunters Hall.
Blade's Edge EU
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Dath'Remar US
GM of the guild Royalty.
Featured in Hunter Transmog Gallery in WoW Hunters Hall.
Darksorrow EU
Aerie Peak EU
This is a hunter I made to do Burning Crusade endgame at the right level with. She's still waiting, but there is no hurry. :)
Samarachan: female draenei hunter |
Blade's Edge EU
Proud wielder of Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury.
Thunder: female draenei hunter |
Dath'Remar US
GM of the guild Royalty.
Featured in Hunter Transmog Gallery in WoW Hunters Hall.
My alt hunters
Silvermoon EU
Naanei is leveling by only accepting quests from draenei, naaru and non-living objects, profession gathering, battlegrounds and dungeons.
Silvermoon EU
Naanei is leveling by only accepting quests from draenei, naaru and non-living objects, profession gathering, battlegrounds and dungeons.
Darksorrow EU
Aerie Peak EU
This is a hunter I made to do Burning Crusade endgame at the right level with. She's still waiting, but there is no hurry. :)
Aerie Peak EU
This is a hunter I made to do original WoW endgame with. Same as Inadra, she's patiently waiting for this to actually happen.
This is a hunter I made to do original WoW endgame with. Same as Inadra, she's patiently waiting for this to actually happen.
Inactive Hunters/Bloggers
Lyraat: male draenei hunter from Lyraat's WoW Reprieve |
Elune US
1-feb-2012: Lyraat has said his farewells to WoW for now. He'll still be blogging, but now about IRL, babies and various other subjects. :) Hope to see you again Lyraat!

There's a dead armory link here, which I'm keeping in hope it'll become active again. ;) Saphirestar was in a guild I was in in WOTLK, and a group of us followed her to the next guild she went to as well. I was having a hunter-break at the time and played my shadow priest. Her amazing DPS and general draenei cuteness were two of many things that made me dust of Lae again. :) Unfortunately she switched server (and race to Troll) and eventually stopped playing WoW, but you can find her at twitter, as she's playing lots of other games.
Wow, this is actually a very good idea. If there is a wish list for hunter sites I want to see, this would top it. I'm honored to be on the list, Lae.
ReplyDeleteI love the colors in your posts. I wish I could be as creative in making my posts look fun to read. Blogs like this are what makes hunter blogging fun. :)
Nice write-up! I always end up doing this manually and of course don't see everyone's real gear pic.
ReplyDeleteExcellent job! I'm a hunter stalker too and it's nice to have everything in one spot. :)
Kriparrian now goes by Kripp on Cho'gall server. His guild did a server change and the name wad already taken. He's also cleared heroic SD.
ReplyDeleteThank you! His youtube-channel still has the old link, but I checked his guild's website, and found that you were ofc right, so I've updated it now. :)
ReplyDeleteYour welcome. Love your site and keep up the great work!! I also need to proof read before submitting...lol.
ReplyDeleteI am honored to be on this list and be a part of this hunter community. You got a screen shot of me while I am in the middle of working on my transmog set.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Guntitan, it's a dynamic picture from armory, so when you're done with your transmog, it will show here. (This is why Frostheim is showing as not wearing pants. I'm pondering sending him a mail and tell him to put on something decent. ;))
ReplyDeleteOh nice! BTW I finished my transmog set. How does it look? I set it up to match my first Spirit Beast, Skoll.
ReplyDeleteI like it a lot. :-)
DeleteOh yeah. One more thing. I just cleared DS reg on 10 man. You can update it. I am now "Guntitan, Destroyer's End."
ReplyDeleteYou should add Daefaroth from the Wowhead Hunter Forums. He replies to a lot of our questions and put up the 4.3 Cataclysm Pre-Raiding Gear Guide.
ReplyDeleteI would also suggest adding links to our blogs and twitter accounts. That way others can start to follow each other's content.
There are links to all blogs, and also armory, twitter, facebook, other blogs, guild sites and podcasts where I've found them relevant. Links don't have other colours, so that may be why you haven't seen them, but they're there. :) If you hover mouse over blog names, you'll be able to follow link.
ReplyDeleteOh nice. This is a very good list. Yeah I think the colors to the links looked the same so I didn't notice.
ReplyDeleteNice work Lae. Another hunter you might want to add is Vandpistol/Caribald, who recently got the world-first solo for Algalon.
ReplyDeleteBtw you can removed the "unconfirmed" from Tabana; that is my character. Thank you for including me :)
Hello mate, thanks a lot for showing me here, I very much appreciate it, didn't expect it! Really nice blog! By the way, for a laugh you might want to check the dates of my Sunwell Plateau and Thori'dal achievements, it's something I like to link every now and then as I guess it's quite rare (and extremely lucky)!
ReplyDeleteThanks again for showing me here, I will be sure to give your blog a shoutout alongside wowhuntershall and warcrafthuntersunion in one of my upcoming videos :)
Aww, that IS lucky! And thank you. :-)
DeleteLove WoW Hunters Hall, also for making us hunters more aware of eachother. :-)
Thanks for including me and my site on the Hunterstalker list. Cheers go out to my fellow hunters.
ReplyDeleteHow much does it cost to get yourself inserted into this list, then? :D
ReplyDeleteDone. :-)
DeleteJust got back to my blog today (hoping to reignite the blogging flame) and found that you had put me on this list. Just wanted to say thanks and good luck with the website and this project, looks very interesting!
ReplyDeleteP.S: I am trying to get that bloody legendary but after 2+ years it still hasn't dropped... :(
Welcome back Gavendo. I hope you will find renewed motivation. There are many new hunters that have started blogging since your last post in November, perhaps you can find some inspiration with any of them or some of the old ones? Or even within yourself. ;) Good luck on Thori'dal eventually. :)
Very cool and handy list, Lae. I've bookmarked it. It's nice to see so many hunter bloggers out there. It just shows how vibrant our wonderful hunter community is :) (And yay, I made it on your list!)
ReplyDeleteThank you Juneper! And I agree with you, our community is wonderful. :)
DeleteI'm updating either this weekend or next week, I'll make sure to cover your transition to horde.
Hey Lae, no worries, I am still a Draenei at heart! ;-)
DeletePhew!!! ;)
DeleteI am interested, have you set up some kind of script that gets this information for you? I just saw you had updated my information with a new screenshot (new look) and honorable kills even though literally it can only have been a few days since I changed to the crossbow look. If you are updating this manually then mad props, that's awesome!
Hei Zumio. The picture is dynamic; it's not uploaded by me, I'm just showing the armory one. :) The rest is manual labour I'm afraid. It's become a ****load of work to be honest. xD And I'm very interested in looking into making some scripts using the API's in the armory, but I'm lacking the knowledge (and time) to do that, for now at least.
DeleteI don't think I could have one website getting all this info every time someone loaded it, that would be too much load kind of. But some intermediate that got all the info. Hm, will investigate further.
noticed you updated your post... can you add my twitter info to this? also, you have me at 6/7 in fireland. i got firelord ages ago! thanks! <3
ReplyDeleteAdded Twitter! I'm not updating Firelands-kills that happened after Dragon Soul launched though (to keep the amount of update down by a tiny bit). I'll add a line about it somewhere actually!
DeleteHi Laeleiweyn, you have a great blog here which i enjoy reading, and i am looking forward to checking out some of these hunters profiles on the armory! Thanks for adding my blog too :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, and no problem, I enjoy reading it. :-)
DeleteHeyas Lae. I thought I would stop by and link you to my new armory profile since Stands in Bad moved servers, here it is: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/rexxar/Dhevon/advanced
ReplyDeleteWell met Lae,
ReplyDeleteI googled for hunter transmog sites and found this very fine blog of yours, and i have too say i am very impressed with the hunters on show in their finery. I play a Worgen Hunter named Fanghelm on Ravencrest Eu, and am looking for a stylish (not too bling) gear set that would show piece the gun "the diplomat". This site has given me some food for thought. Please keep it up
Welcome and thanks a lot. :-)
DeleteHi Lae!
ReplyDeleteI'm back! :) Would love to be reinstated as active. :D Thanks. :)
Hunterstalker is awesome, and I've found several other Hunter blogs to read! Love the site!!
ReplyDeleteHonored to be on this list. Love this blog!
ReplyDeleteHey Lae,
ReplyDeletewhat happened to the spirit beast count?
! Guntitan
Hi Guntitan!
DeleteI deleted it. With so many hunters the manual labor of updating things became too much unfortunately. I would have to learn about armory API's and build an own website for it if it was to get automatically updated. Unfortunately I don't speak that language.