Roll down to the training grounds and find Master Cheng, a female blood elf monk. Tell her that you wish to challenge her. She will then walk to the middle of the training grounds while she says "A well-timed application of force to a pressure point will stop an opponent in their tracks, regardless of what they are doing. Use this to your advantage to avoid dangerous attacks." As she stops and faces you, you can /bow to her. She will then /bow back, turn hostile, and run towards you. During the fight she will start spinning. You should then use Paralysis to stun her. When defeated she says "Your power is impressive. I admit defeat."
When you hand in the quest to Master Hight, you get Enlightenment again. This buff gives you 50 % more experience from quests and kills. You can also choose between two red belts; one for healing and one for damage and tanking.

38 days to go!
I think this quest is bugged I use paralysis which is supposed to last for 1 minute and before I can get to another side she is back on me spinning and I cannot use paralysis again because of the cd is to long so I fail and fail and fail at this. I don't know what I am doing wrong with it but I am so fed up I have been trying to do this now for 20 levels, so i'm giving up on it I don't need this bs and there is nothing I can find on the internet anywhere that explains it how it should be done and WoW sucks at giving directions on any quest virtually every quest I have done since returning to this game I have had to look up and see how it's done on you tube.